소아 발달에서 연령별 Red flags sign
소아 발달에서 연령별 Red flags sign
(1)General motor
1)4-1/4 mo : Dose not pull to sit
2)5 mo : Dose not roll over
3)7~8 mo : Dose not sit without support
4)9~10 mo : Dose not stand while holding on
5)9~12 mo : 뒤집기를 못하거나 앉은 자세 유지가 불가능한 경우 혹은 배밀이가 불가능한 경우
6)15 mo : Not walking
7)18~24 mo : 혼자 서있거나 걷기가 불가능한 경우
8)2 yr : Not climbing up or down stairs
9)2-1/2 yr : Not jumping with both feet
10)30~36 mo : 달리기가 불가능하거나 계단을 올라가기가 불가능한 경우
11)3 yr : Unable to stand on one foot momentarily
12)42~48 yr : 세발자전거를 탈 수 없거나, 한발서기가 불가능한 경우
13)4 yr : Not hopping
14)5 yr : Unable to walk a straight line back and forth or balance on one foot for 5~10 sec
(2)Fine motor
1)3-1/2 mo : Persistence of grasp reflex
2)4~5 mo : Unable to hold rattle
3)7 mo : Unable to hold an object in each hand
4)10~11 mo : Absence of pincer gasp
5)9~12 mo : 확실히 한쪽 손만 사용하는 경우
6)15 mo : Unable to put in or take out
7)20 mo : Unable to remove socks or gloves
8)2 yr : Unable to stack 5 blocks or not scribbling
9)2-1/2 yr : Not turning a single page of a bokk
10)3 yr : Unable to stack 8 blocks or draw a straight line
11)4 yr : Unable to stack 10 blocks or copy a circle
12)5 yr : Ubable to build a staircase of blocks or copy a cross
1)5-6 mo : Not babbling
2)8~9 mo : Not saying "da" or "ba"
3)10~11 mo : Not saying "dada" or "baba"
4)18 mo Has < 3 words with meaning
5)18~24 mo : 6~10개의 단어표현이 가능해 지는 시기
6)2 yr : No 2-word phrases or repetition of phrases
7)2-1/2 yr : Not using at least 1 personal pronoun
8)30~36 mo : 두 단어를 결합하는 말을 하지 못하는 경우
9)3-1/2 yr : Speech only half-understandable
10)42~48 mo : 세 단어를 결합하는 말을 하지 못하는 경우
11)4 yr : Does not understand prepositions
12)5 yr : Not using proper syntax in short sentences
(4)Cognitive fucnction
1)2~3 mo : Not alert to mother, with special interest
2)6~7 mo : Not searching for dropped object
3)8~9 mo : No interest in peak-a-boo
4)12 mo : Dose not search for hidden object
5)15~16 mo : No interest in cause-and-effect games
6)2 yr : Does not categorize similarities(e.g., animal vs vehicels)
7)3 yr : Does not know own full name
8)4 yr : Cannot pick shorter longer of two lines
9)4-1/2 yr : Cannot count sequentially
10)54~60 mo : 기본 지능(말하기, 숫자, 글자 일기, 뜻 알기, 집 주소, 전화번호 알기, 혼자 옷 벗기, 손 씻고 수건으로 닦기, 혼자서 식사하기) 되지 않는 경우
11)5 yr : Does not know colors or any letters
12)5-1/2 yr : Does not own birthday or address
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