어깨 질환

Shoulder MRI check list and anatomy

전병혁/이혜진 2023. 12. 1. 17:24

Shoulder MRI check list and anatomy


1.Shoulder MRI checklist

(1)Coronal image

1)Rotator cuff


나)Complete thickness tear

다)Patial thickness tear

라)Infraspinatus tear

마)Calcific tendinitis


2)AC joint and acromion

가)Acromial keel spur with impingement

나)AC arthrosis and osteolysis

다)AC and CC ligaments


3)Biceps tendon

가)Medial dislocation of LHBT

나)Rupture of intraarticula LHBT



가)Type 1 SLAP lesion

나)Type 2 SLAP lesion

다)Sublabral recess vs SLAP tear

Sublabral recess

-High signal extends medially and follows the contour of the glenoid cartilage

-Smooth margin

-3mm 미만

-Located at biceps anchor


SLAP tear

-High signal extending laterally

-Irrecular margin

-3mm 이상

-Located at biceps anchor and posteriorly



5)IGL and GH joint

가)Adhesive capsulitis

나)HAGL(humeral avulsion of glenohumeral lagament)

다)Degenerative arthrosis

라)Greater tuberosity fractrure

마)Hill Sachs lesion




(2)Axial image

1)AC joint and acromion

2)Subscapularis and biceps


4)Bone and GH joint

5)Rotator cuff


(3)Sagittal image

1)Rotator cuff

2)AC joint and acromion

3)Biceps tendon

4)Glenoid fossa and labrum

5)Biceps pulley and joint capsule